Aizu Nuri

The history of lacquering can be dated back to some 12000 years in Asia and the Japanese lacquer ware or AIZU NURI has a history of 500 years . Around the 17th century it became world known and started their first trade with Spain and Portugal exporting the Japanese lacquer to Europe. It is distinguished by its beautiful decorations.
The Japanese lacquer ware consists of several stages; KIJI, or forming the base, body, or core of wood or sometimes basketry, leather and paper ; application of lacquer coatings to seal and protect the object; and decoration of the surface. Application of URUSHI differs regionally, but there are three basic types of lacquer coats: undercoats SHITAJI, middle coats NAKA-NURI, and final coats UWA-NURI. The designs or known as Maki-e are sprinkled with gold or silver powder as a decoration using a makizutsu or brush.

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